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Hölzer, S.U. and Hensel, M. (2010) Functional dissection of translocon proteins of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2-encoded type III secretion system. BMC Microbiol., 10, 104.
Ott, L., Höller, M., Rheinlaender, J., Schäffer, T.E., Hensel, M. and Burkovski, A. (2010) Strain-specific differences in the interaction of Corynebacterium diphtheriae with host cells. BMC Microbiol., 10, 257.
Ott, L., Höller, M., Gerlach, R.G., Hensel, M., Rheinlaender, J., Schaffer, T.E., and Burkovski, A. (2010). Corynebacterium diphtheriae invasion-associated protein (DIP1281) is involved in cell surface organization, adhesion and internalization in epithelial cells. BMC Microbiol 10, 2.
Wiese, M., Castiglione, K., Hensel, M., Schleicher, U., Bogdan, C., and Jantsch, J. (2010). Small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery into murine bone marrow-derived macrophages by electroporation. J Immunol Methods 353, 102-110.
Xu, X., and Hensel, M. (2010). Systematic analysis of the SsrAB virulon of Salmonella enterica. Infect Immun 78, 49-58.
Xu, X., Husseiny, M. I., Goldwich, A., and Hensel, M. (2010). Efficacy of intracellular activated promoters for generation of Salmonella-based vaccines. Infect. Immun., 78, 4828-4838.
Duerr, C.U., Zenk, S.F., Chassin, C., Pott, J., Gutle, D., Hensel, M., and Hornef, M.W. (2009). O-antigen delays lipopolysaccharide recognition and impairs antibacterial host defense in murine intestinal epithelial cells. PLoS Pathogens 5, e1000567.
Gerlach, R.G., Jäckel, D., Holzer, S.U., and Hensel, M. (2009). Rapid oligonucleotide-based recombineering of the chromosome of Salmonella enterica. Appl Environ Microbiol 75, 1575-1580.
Hölzer, S.U., Schlumberger, M.C., Jäckel, D., and Hensel, M. (2009). Effect of the O-antigen length of lipopolysaccharide on the functions of Type III secretion systems in Salmonella enterica. Infect Immun 77, 5458-5470.
Husseiny, M.I., and Hensel, M. (2009). Evaluation of Salmonella live vaccines with chromosomal expression cassettes for translocated fusion proteins. Vaccine 27, 3780-3787.
Xiong, G., Husseiny, M.I., Song, L., Erdreich-Epstein, A., Shackleford, G.M., Seeger, R.C., Jäckel, D., Hensel, M., and Metelitsa, L.S. (2009). Novel cancer vaccine based on genes of Salmonella pathogenicity Island 2. Int J Cancer 126, 2622-2634.
Zenk, S.F., Jantsch, J., and Hensel, M. (2009). Role of Salmonella enterica lipopolysaccharide in activation of dendritic cell functions and bacterial containment. J Immunol 183, 2697-2707.
Cheminay, C., and Hensel, M. (2008). Rational design of Salmonella recombinant vaccines. Int J Med Microbiol 298, 87-98.
Eswarappa, S.M., Panguluri, K.K., Hensel, M., and Chakravortty, D. (2008). The yejABEF operon of Salmonella confers resistance to antimicrobial peptides and contributes to its virulence. Microbiology 154, 666-678.
Gerlach, R.G., Claudio, N., Rohde, M., Jäckel, D., Wagner, C., and Hensel, M. (2008). Cooperation of Salmonella pathogenicity islands 1 and 4 is required to breach epithelial barriers. Cell Microbiol 10, 2364-2376.
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Halici, S., Zenk, S.F., Jantsch, J., and Hensel, M. (2008). Functional analysis of the Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2-mediated inhibition of antigen presentation in dendritic cells. Infect Immun 76, 4924-4933.
Husseiny, M.I., and Hensel, M. (2008). Construction of highly attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium live vectors for delivering heterologous antigens by chromosomal integration. Microbiol Res 163, 605-615.
Jantsch, J., Chakravortty, D., Turza, N., Prechtel, A.T., Buchholz, B., Gerlach, R.G., Volke, M., Glasner, J., Warnecke, C., Wiesener, M.S., et al. (2008). Hypoxia and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1{alpha} modulate lipopolysaccharide-induced dendritic cell activation and function. J Immunol 180, 4697-4705.
Jantsch, J., Turza, N., Volke, M., Eckardt, K.U., Hensel, M., Steinkasserer, A., Willam, C., and Prechtel, A.T. (2008). Small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery into murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells by electroporation. J Immunol Methods 337, 71-77.
Rajashekar, R., Liebl, D., Seitz, A., and Hensel, M. (2008). Dynamic remodeling of the endosomal system during formation of Salmonella-induced filaments by intracellular Salmonella enterica. Traffic 9, 2100-2116.
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Gerlach, R.G., Hölzer, S.U., Jäckel, D., and Hensel, M. (2007). Rapid engineering of bacterial reporter gene fusions by using Red recombination. Appl Environ Microbiol 73, 4234-4242.
Gerlach, R.G., Jäckel, D., Geymeier, N., and Hensel, M. (2007). Salmonella pathogenicity island 4-mediated adhesion is coregulated with invasion genes in Salmonella enterica. Infect Immun 75, 4697-4709.
Gerlach, R.G., Jäckel, D., Stecher, B., Wagner, C., Lupas, L., Hardt, W.D., and Hensel, M. (2007). Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 4 encodes a giant non-fimbrial adhesin and the cognate type 1 secretion system. Cell Microbiol 9, 1834-1850.
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Gerlach, R.G., and Hensel, M. (2007). Protein secretion systems and adhesins: the molecular armory of Gram-negative pathogens. Int J Med Microbiol 297, 401-415.
Gerlach, R.G., and Hensel, M. (2007). Salmonella pathogenicity islands in host specificity, host pathogen-interactions and antibiotics resistance of Salmonella enterica. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 120, 317-327.
Hensel, M. (2007). Genome-based identification and molecular analyses of pathogenicity islands and genomic islands in Salmonella enterica. Methods Mol Biol 394, 77-88.
Husseiny, M.I., Wartha, F., and Hensel, M. (2007). Recombinant vaccines based on translocated effector proteins of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2. Vaccine 25, 185-193.
Abrahams, G.L., and Hensel, M. (2006). Manipulating cellular transport and immune responses: dynamic interactions between intracellular Salmonella enterica and its host cells. Cell Microbiol 8, 728-737.
Abrahams, G.L., Müller, P., and Hensel, M. (2006). Functional dissection of SseF, a type III effector protein involved in positioning the Salmonella-containing vacuole. Traffic 7, 950-965.
Husseiny, M., Wartha, F., Hensel, M. (2006).Recombinant vaccines based on translocated effector proteins of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2, 185-93.
Kuhle, V., Abrahams, G.L., and Hensel, M. (2006). Intracellular Salmonella enterica redirect exocytic transport processes in a Salmonella pathogenicity island 2-dependent manner. Traffic 7, 716-730.
Löber, S., Jäckel, D., Kaiser, N., and Hensel, M. (2006). Regulation of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 genes by independent environmental signals. Int J Med Microbiol 296, 435-447.
Chakravortty, D., Rohde, M., Jäger, L., Deiwick, J., and Hensel, M. (2005). Formation of a novel surface structure encoded by Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2. EMBO J 24, 2043-2052.
Cheminay, C., Möhlenbrink, A., and Hensel, M. (2005). Intracellular Salmonella inhibit antigen presentation by dendritic cells. J Immunol 174, 2892-2899.
Creuzburg, K., Recktenwald, J., Kuhle, V., Herold, S., Hensel, M., and Schmidt, H. (2005). The Shiga toxin 1-converting bacteriophage BP-4795 encodes an NleA-like type III effector protein. J Bacteriol 187, 8494-8498.
Hapfelmeier, S., Stecher, B., Barthel, M., Kremer, M., Muller, A.J., Heikenwalder, M., Stallmach, T., Hensel, M., Pfeffer, K., Akira, S., et al. (2005). The Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-2 and SPI-1 type III secretion systems allow Salmonella serovar typhimurium to trigger colitis via MyD88-dependent and MyD88-independent mechanisms. J Immunol 174, 1675-1685.
Husseiny, M.I., and Hensel, M. (2005). Rapid method for the construction of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium vaccine carrier strains. Infect Immun 73, 1598-1605.
Husseiny, M.I., and Hensel, M. (2005). Evaluation of an intracellular-activated promoter for the generation of live Salmonella recombinant vaccines. Vaccine 23, 2580-2590.
Knodler, L.A., Bestor, A., Ma, C., Hansen-Wester, I., Hensel, M., Vallance, B.A., and Steele-Mortimer, O. (2005). Cloning vectors and fluorescent proteins can significantly inhibit Salmonella enterica virulence in both epithelial cells and macrophages: implications for bacterial pathogenesis studies. Infect Immun 73, 7027-7031.
Cheminay, C., Chakravortty, D., and Hensel, M. (2004). Role of neutrophils in murine salmonellosis. Infect Immun 72, 468-447.
Hansen-Wester, I., Chakravortty, D., and Hensel, M. (2004). Functional transfer of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 to Salmonella bongori and Escherichia coli. Infect Immun 72, 2879-2888.
Hensel, M. (2004). Evolution of pathogenicity islands of Salmonella enterica. Int J Med Microbiol 294, 95-102.
Kuhle, V., Jäckel, D., and Hensel, M. (2004). Effector proteins encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 interfere with the microtubule cytoskeleton after translocation into host cells. Traffic 5, 356-370.
Kuhle, V., and Hensel, M. (2004). Cellular microbiology of intracellular Salmonella enterica: functions of the type III secretion system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2. Cell Mol Life Sci 61, 2812-2826.
Schmidt, H., and Hensel, M. (2004). Pathogenicity islands in bacterial pathogenesis. Clin Microbiol Rev 17, 14-56.
Chakravortty, D., and Hensel, M. (2003). Inducible nitric oxide synthase and control of intracellular bacterial pathogens. Microbes Infect 5, 621-627.
Jantsch, J., Cheminay, C., Chakravortty, D., Lindig, T., Hein, J., and Hensel, M. (2003). Intracellular activities of Salmonella enterica in murine dendritic cells. Cell Microbiol 5, 933-945.
Knodler, L.A., Vallance, B.A., Hensel, M., Jäckel, D., Finlay, B.B., and Steele-Mortimer, O. (2003). Salmonella type III effectors PipB and PipB2 are targeted to detergent-resistant microdomains on internal host cell membranes. Mol Microbiol 49, 685-704.
Rappl, C., Deiwick, J., and Hensel, M. (2003). Acidic pH is required for the functional assembly of the type III secretion system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2. FEMS Microbiol Lett 226, 363-372.
Chakravortty, D., Hansen-Wester, I., and Hensel, M. (2002). Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 mediates protection of intracellular Salmonella from reactive nitrogen intermediates. J Exp Med 195, 1155-1166.
Cheminay, C., Schoen, M., Hensel, M., Wandersee-Steinhauser, A., Ritter, U., Körner, H., Röllinghoff, M., and Hein, J. (2002). Migration of Salmonella typhimurium-harboring bone marrow-derived dendritic cells towards the chemokines CCL19 and CCL21. Microb Pathog 32, 207-218.
Deiwick, J., Rappl, C., Stender, S., Jungblut, P.R., and Hensel, M. (2002). Proteomic approaches to Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 encoded proteins and the SsrAB regulon. Proteomics 2, 792-799.
Freeman, J.A., Rappl, C., Kuhle, V., Hensel, M., and Miller, S.I. (2002). SpiC is required for translocation of Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 2 effectors and secretion of translocon proteins SseB and SseC. J Bacteriol 184, 4971-4980.
Hansen-Wester, I., and Hensel, M. (2002). Genome-based identification of chromosomal regions specific for Salmonella spp. Infect Immun 70, 2351-2360.
Hansen-Wester, I., Stecher, B., and Hensel, M. (2002). Analyses of the evolutionary distribution of Salmonella translocated effectors. Infect Immun 70, 1619-1622.
Hansen-Wester, I., Stecher, B., and Hensel, M. (2002). Type III secretion of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium translocated effectors and SseFG. Infect Immun 70, 1403-1409.
Kuhle, V., and Hensel, M. (2002). SseF and SseG are translocated effectors of the type III secretion system of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 that modulate aggregation of endosomal compartments. Cell Microbiol 4, 813-824.
Pawelek, J.M., Sodi, S., Chakraborty, A.K., Platt, J.T., Miller, S., Holden, D.W., Hensel, M., and Low, K.B. (2002). Salmonella pathogenicity island-2 and anticancer activity in mice. Cancer Gene Ther 9, 813-818.
Hansen-Wester, I., and Hensel, M. (2001). Salmonella pathogenicity islands encoding type III secretion systems. Microbes Infect 3, 549-559.
Nikolaus, T., Deiwick, J., Rappl, C., Freeman, J.A., Schröder, W., Miller, S.I., and Hensel, M. (2001). SseBCD proteins are secreted by the type III secretion system of Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 and function as a translocon. J Bacteriol 183, 6036-6045.